Conflux of ideology

Left or right? Some people talk about the death of ideologies, but what is the real situation, is it high time to scrap yesterday’s political thinking, or is it time for an overhaul and renovation? If we start with socialism.   →  

Name change

Everything has a beginning and an end, and maybe even a rebirth? Herewith we warmly hand over the blog to Fulvius Baxter, who will continue to run it with care and respect. Fulvius, the eternal adventurer and conservative cosmopolitan known   →  

Violence against the host population

There are daily crimes against Swedes by migrant gangs – recently a father was shot by a gang member in front of his 12-year-old son. And many people react and are horrified. But we know that nothing will happen. Criminals   →  

Ideological and political self-torment

It is becoming increasingly clear that the West is heading for a self-inflicted crisis, not only economic but also cultural. Let’s sort it all out. We have a serious demographic problem. The first thing people think about is immigration, or   →  

The transformation into a dependent and disempowered state

Those of us who have been around for a while may notice a pattern in how certain laws and regulations are implemented. The new criticised Swedish gender identity law is to be pushed through at any cost, and this is   →  

Racism – the magic word

Racism was originally about ideologically opposing certain ethnicities, demanding special legislation that disadvantages them, threatening them or even using violence against them. But the concept of racism has a much wider meaning today. It can be about a privately owned   →  

Joe Biden’s dictatorial tendencies

Joe Biden is a terrible president. Besides the fact that he is probably demented and can hardly give a speech, debate or even conduct a normal conversation, he uses the state apparatus to persecute and humiliate his political opponents. The   →  

Being against mass migration is completely uncontroversial

Being opposed to mass migration and wanting to send back migrants who cannot support themselves is completely uncontroversial, and barely makes a dent in the political grey area of centre politics. Those in favour of tax-funded population exchange are the   →  

Titles, orders and seals

This phenomenon may be fading now, but some individuals still want to be called specific pronouns, often linked to a certain gender perception. In Sweden, the term hen is sometimes used, and in the US, She/They, He/They, etc. Being called   →