
Actually, wouldn’t it be better if Kamala Harris won?

Actually, wouldn’t it be better if Kamala Harris won? So she can continue to dismantle the American economy, and keep the Russians and Chinese busy, while we Europeans reform and build an empire? Well, she is hardly a given candidate. Perhaps her pal’s perpetual war is rubbing off on us too? And there will be American hawks who think they …   ►

The fall of the nation state

The classic nation state is about ‘one people and one country’. It often talks about linguistic and cultural unity, but there are also aspects of ethnicity and religion. For example, Sweden is the country of the Swedes, a people with a specific ethnicity and language. In this case, it is also a Protestant religious affiliation, which has now been diluted. …   ►

The bicycle thief

It was the third time my bike was stolen, and a few days later it appeared online, for sale. Maybe it was even the same thief as last time? I was so tired of society developing in this direction, not being allowed to have your things in peace, feeling unsafe, and having to walk with your head bowed in a …   ►

The fool’s role in art, culture and social life

There is a common thread running from Woody Allen’s neurotic and slightly confused film character to the multi-diagnosed activist Greta Thunberg. These are people who are in therapy and have all sorts of mental conditions, and they are not ashamed of them, but rather publicise them. In addition, we have countless celebrities who come out and talk about their problems, …   ►

Make Europe great again

The EU is a bureaucratic regime, an elite project that does not serve the interests of the people, but rather irritates them with a mass of meaningless laws and regulations. Democracy is also a mess; anyone who explains how Ursula von der Leyen was elected EU president will have to answer a series of difficult questions. Let’s face it, this …   ►

The contradictory society

Today’s political craft is all about doing things wrong. Everyone knows how to make a society work with law, order, reasonable taxes, etc. But, no, you should do everything the other way around. It becomes like a pretend game, which no one really believes in but is forced to play along with. Here are some examples: Lighter sentences for serious …   ►

The age of delusion and madness

When it was socially beneficial for people to be “norm critical and progressive etc”, society stopped being successful and capable of development. This contemporary mentality is very different from previous mindsets, which helped Sweden develop into one of the most successful countries in the world. Today, it is almost incomprehensible that Swedes contributed to the discovery of 19 elements in …   ►

The potential guilt of Churchill

There has long been talk in academic circles about the possible culpability of the British in the Second World War, that the war became more brutal when British planes started terror-bombing cities in Germany. And this was at the beginning of the war, before all the horrors we know today were unleashed. The British had very few resources in 1940, …   ►

Total dissonance

What an extreme time of conflict we are in; everyone realises what is wrong, some want to turn the ship around, but the captain insists on continuing into the storm, just because… Well, who knows? Maybe it’s cognitive dissonance, when the captain refuses to accept the cause of the problem, which should be very clear by now. It’s funny how …   ►

Countries where white women can travel safely

I remember a female friend travelling around India a few years ago, she told me about men following her, staring at her and even pleasuring themselves standing some distance away. She and her female travelling companion were a bit shocked, and these incidents were the first things they described when they came back, and then we heard the stories of …   ►

Why call critics populists, Islamophobes, homophobes or racists?

The climate of political debate in the Western world has long been paralysed by the lack of real arguments and objective reasoning. Instead, people sit around and call each other names, much like they do in kindergarten. There are special gatekeepers in the media, academia and political life who stop too lively debates using such methods. It’s all about trying …   ►