
More questions than answers about Biden’s resignation

President Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race was expected, as his ageing became all too apparent, especially during the debate against Trump. But the question is, what happens now? Kamala Harris taking over as presidential candidate is seen as natural, as she is the vice-president. But the nomination will actually take place on …   ►

For king and country

When describing the kingdoms of the past and how they functioned, it is often said that the people were deceived. They were led to believe that the king was crowned by the clergy on behalf of God. It would look bad with a crude dictator who took power through violence and corruption. No, power must …   ►

The non-Christian right

It has become something of a trend for people with right-wing or conservative views to cultivate a Christian identity, sometimes even converting to Catholicism or Orthodoxy. Perhaps it is a search for roots, a fixed point of reference, or both? The caricature of the right-winger is that he is anti-abortion, a gun owner, a lifestyle …   ►

The political line of all parties

If we were to summarise post-war policies, three points stand out. We have had this agenda for 50-60 years now: Open borders It sounds unbelievable to many people, but the concept has crept into our everyday lives. We can hear it, for example, in John Lennon’s song Imagine, or from very different political camps such …   ►

When Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan meet, they talk about UFOs and the theory of evolution

When Tucker Carlson is interviewed by Joe Rogan, it’s a meeting of giants. They both represent the new alternative media and have far more viewers and followers than established channels such as CNN, Fox etc. Some say that both gentlemen now represent the actual mainstream of today rather than the emerging media channels. So what …   ►

On laws that lack popular support

It’s time to think about the new Swedish gender reassignment law, which is controversial to say the least, as it will make it easier for minors to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Or that trans women will be allowed into formerly female rooms. The whole area is complicated, as it is not really possible to change …   ►

Conflux of ideology

Left or right? Some people talk about the death of ideologies, but what is the real situation, is it high time to scrap yesterday’s political thinking, or is it time for an overhaul and renovation? If we start with socialism. There are a lot of people who are upset about the left and its foolishness. …   ►

Ideological and political self-torment

It is becoming increasingly clear that the West is heading for a self-inflicted crisis, not only economic but also cultural. Let’s sort it all out. We have a serious demographic problem. The first thing people think about is immigration, or rather mass immigration. Hundreds of thousands of new inhabitants put society to the test, as …   ►

The transformation into a dependent and disempowered state

Those of us who have been around for a while may notice a pattern in how certain laws and regulations are implemented. The new criticised Swedish gender identity law is to be pushed through at any cost, and this is carried out by a center-right-wing government with nationalists as a supporting party. It is somewhat …   ►

Racism – the magic word

Racism was originally about ideologically opposing certain ethnicities, demanding special legislation that disadvantages them, threatening them or even using violence against them. But the concept of racism has a much wider meaning today. It can be about a privately owned company not hiring someone of a certain skin colour, a doorman not letting in a …   ►

The desire of the mediocre to hold back the skilled

There has always been an incentive for the mediocre to hold back the skilful. The driven and competent make the others look half-baked. And this is not appreciated, better to regulate and restrain those who want too much. And there are many different traces of this in human history. Today we think of it as …   ►