Political earthquake in Argentina

Libertarian Javier Milei won the presidential election in Argentina by a wide margin. His policies are based on classic libertarian principles, including cutting the number of government agencies, stopping the central bank from manipulating fiscal policy, etc. It is about   →  

The trend-sensitive country in the north

Mines, iron ore and forests have long been part of Sweden’s basic industry. The iron could be refined into swords and cannons, and the forest into ships, buildings and furniture. But it was during the later stages of the industrial   →  

The world is waiting patiently for Biden to retire. And for the West to become the West again.

The geopolitical entanglements of the past year are beginning to unravel. It all started when the Russians grew tired of the Ukrainians not honouring the two Minsk agreements, which involved leaving the Russian minority alone and some autonomy. The Russians   →  

What if the US abandons Israel?

We know that the US, the world policeman, often abandons its war projects, from the Vietnam War to Afghanistan. Even countries like Korea have been partially abandoned, divided, with a frozen conflict. The behaviour has its reasons, probably often because   →  

More and more Swedes are waking up to a country they don’t recognise. What happened? And what mistakes were made?

More and more Swedes are waking up to a country they don’t recognise. You can accuse them of much, of having slept away several decades, or of having backed substandard political parties for too long. But nevertheless, many are waking   →  

Autonomy and statehood in a multipolar world

The world’s eyes are on Gaza, where Israeli aircraft are currently laying carpet bombs in response to Hamas’ lightning attack. Gaza is a small territory, about 40 kilometres long and less than 7 kilometres wide, bordering Egypt and Israel, with   →  

West before East

In the great game between nations and empires, I am of course in favour of the Western cultural sphere. The one based on the Western and Central European countries, and which partly opposes the Eastern European culture, including Ukraine, Belarus   →  

Islamic revival and the Great Game

With the recent attacks on Israel by Hamas, it is interesting to see how the organisation was created and its origins. Hamas is an Arabic abbreviation for the Islamic Resistance Movement and was formed in 1987, shortly after the outbreak   →  

The attack on Israel

On the morning of 7 October, the Palestinian listed terrorist organisation Hamas attacked southern Israel, starting from the Gaza Strip. Armed units entered Israeli territory, thousands of missiles were fired, and the Israeli air defence system was unable to shoot   →