The Count and the Lost Battle

This time I was about to give up, after an endless wandering through the gates of Jungfrugatan; how could it be so difficult to find an address that I had visited so many times before? Finally, with a trembling hand,   →  

System criticism or cultural criticism?

A week or so ago, Fox News star reporter Tucker Carlson interviewed famed right-wing philosopher Curtis Yarvin, aka Mencius Moldbug. It was both a long and interesting conversation, which probably could not have been broadcast on any other mainstream TV   →  

Things that are classy when the rich do it, but shabby when the poor do it

There is a difference between people and people, whether you are eccentric or a babbling fool, a collector or hoarder, etc. Often it depends on your position in society, whether you are rich and have a long list of powerful   →  

The return of the family and clan

The Taliban in Afghanistan (the very epitome of conservative and backward reactionaries) have a very developed and intricate system of clans. Ethnically, they belong to the Pashtuns, the dominant ethnic group in the country. And they can trace their origins   →  

Covid-19 and the conspiracy theories

I am amused by the myths and mysteries of the past. And today’s conspiracy theories can usefully be seen as our equivalent to these phenomena. Often there is some sort of basis for the ideas, but they are embroidered, and   →  

Signs in the sky

From being regarded as a hobby for crackpots, UFOs are now back in fashion. The US military has lifted the secrecy seal on some interesting cases, and several prominent newspapers have taken up the subject in a slightly more serious   →  

The songs we sang

In the old days, singing at work was a way of creating community and making something boring bearable. People also sang when they walked, when they worshipped their gods, and when they remembered the heroes of the past. Consider that   →  

Dionysian awakening

Throughout history, we can sense a struggle between different ideals and temperaments, we see an alternation between Apollonian and Dionysian societies. Apollo represents order, fact and clarity – while Dionysus reflects pleasure, intuition and dreaminess. A good balance between the   →  

The autocratic entrepreneur

The libertarian philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe advocates a state in which a dictatorial inherited entrepreneur rules the country. Some may see the leader as a monarch, while others see him as a business leader, who may be deposed by the shareholders   →