It was not the Swedes who built one of the richest countries in the world until the 1950s, with strong industry and a world-class air force, any more than it was the Greeks who built the Parthenon temple and calculated →
It was not the Swedes who built one of the richest countries in the world until the 1950s, with strong industry and a world-class air force, any more than it was the Greeks who built the Parthenon temple and calculated →
Keep in mind that the Americans do not think highly of the Ukrainians. They are also seen as a kind of Russian, whose sons can be sent as cannon fodder to weaken the greater enemy in the Kremlin. Let the →
I and many others have written about the magical year of 1968, which is symbolised by the youth rebellion, the rise of the left-wing movement, cultural change, the quest for equality and, above all, the emergence of a new elite. →
I live in a country with hot summers and high humidity. This means that many products have a shorter lifespan, especially things made of plastic. For example, it’s not uncommon for the inner door handle on cars to break off, →
While an activist burned a Koran in Stockholm – and the whole Muslim world went ballistic, the Swedish government groveled, apologised and considered blasphemy laws – a lot else was happening too. Hunter, Joe Biden’s unhinged son, is becoming increasingly →
No one wants to be called a racist, for it is considered particularly degrading to engage in ethnic sorting of people for bad traits; and being subjected to this magical epithet is now associated with an almost ritual shame. Well, →
Is it reasonable that everyone should love transsexuals, queers, overweight people, people with full tattoos, etc, etc? Today we see more and more strange groups demanding acceptance and equality. They want to be recognised and maybe even liked by you. →
In 1916 there were about 2.2 million inhabitants in Vienna, almost half of whom came from Bohemia, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, etc. In 1939 the population was down to just under 1.8 million. And in 1990 the population was estimated →
The concept of democracy is an interesting one to revisit periodically. What is considered important in a democratic society has changed throughout history. When modern democracies emerged after the American Revolutionary War, the focus was on the constitution. Today the →