Ideological and political self-torment
It is becoming increasingly clear that the West is heading for a self-inflicted crisis, not only economic but also cultural. Let’s sort it all out. We have a serious demographic problem. The first thing people think →
The transformation into a dependent and disempowered state
Those of us who have been around for a while may notice a pattern in how certain laws and regulations are implemented. The new criticised Swedish gender identity law is to be pushed through at any →
Racism – the magic word
Racism was originally about ideologically opposing certain ethnicities, demanding special legislation that disadvantages them, threatening them or even using violence against them. But the concept of racism has a much wider meaning today. It can be →
The desire of the mediocre to hold back the skilled
There has always been an incentive for the mediocre to hold back the skilful. The driven and competent make the others look half-baked. And this is not appreciated, better to regulate and restrain those who want →
Tyranny in progress
When our modern liberalism came into vogue, also known as social liberalism, it embraced equality, social safety nets and greater state responsibility. This happened in many countries (especially in Europe) after World War II and beyond. →
Work, activity, deed
Views on labour have changed over time, and so has its meaning. Even today, the concept of ‘work’ is somewhat diffuse, as it is a multifaceted word. On the one hand, we can engage in repetitive →
A reliable and safe society
Many people who have travelled in Asia, especially in Japan, come home and tell us how safe and orderly it is there. They are fascinated by clean streets and squares, high standards, well prepared food, low →
Great, greater, greatest – in the age of mega-corporations – where capitalism leads to socialism
According to many communists, the fate of the capitalist system is that the corporations keep growing, until there are only a handful of global giants left, and they control world politics together with the corrupt ruling →
The missing elite
It was not the Swedes who built one of the richest countries in the world until the 1950s, with strong industry and a world-class air force, any more than it was the Greeks who built the →