Is the high-tax society systemic?

Sweden has been a high-tax society since the 1970s. The sharp increase in taxes came as a response to industrial closures and the resulting unemployment. The high taxes became permanent, and finally put the nail in the coffin of the   →  

The potential public improvement and development benefits of migration

There is a lot of talk about population exchange, mass migration, not sending their best, etc. To put it bluntly, it is clearly not the rocket scientist who are arriving in the suburbs of the West, building mosques for oil   →  

A narrow window of opportunity – the agony of the American Empire, and the world that caught up with it

Others have said it better than me, but it bears repeating. The US had a narrow window of opportunity to shape the world at the turn of the millennium, before Russia reasserted itself and before China emerged on the global   →  

On food craze, consumerism, everyday stress and more

There is much to complain about in society, often including ideologies and systemic failures. It’s almost as if we want to elevate the problems so high that it seems unreasonable for a simple person to solve them. Maybe it feels   →  


Historians usually talk about transitional or intermediate periods. These include ancient Egypt and the time between the different kingdoms. And the period between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age in Greece. Or the Middle Ages, which is the period   →  

Modernism – liberation, ugliness or scam?

Modernism is a cultural, aesthetic and architectural phenomenon that can sometimes be oversimplified as primitivism, cubism and the search for something different. At least that’s how it started. Primitivism can be seen in Picasso’s portraits, which were inspired by African   →  

Dinosaurs have taken over

When a species no longer has any natural enemies, its evolution tends to take strange forms. Take for example the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which lived 66-68 million years ago. It was one of the largest terrestrial predators on Earth; probably a   →  

The plastic-baggery

Several Western countries have now banned plastic bags. In fact they are not actually banned, but only in certain specific contexts. It is not allowed to sell them over the counter, with the intention of packing goods in them for   →  


Words and tone are increasingly important, so that we don’t hurt or say something that could be offensive. As if middle-aged women were running the world from a perpetual coffee run. I don’t know how we got here, but we   →