
Historians usually talk about transitional or intermediate periods. These include ancient Egypt and the time between the different kingdoms. And the period between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age in Greece. Or the Middle Ages, which is the period   →  

Modernism – liberation, ugliness or scam?

Modernism is a cultural, aesthetic and architectural phenomenon that can sometimes be oversimplified as primitivism, cubism and the search for something different. At least that’s how it started. Primitivism can be seen in Picasso’s portraits, which were inspired by African   →  

Dinosaurs have taken over

When a species no longer has any natural enemies, its evolution tends to take strange forms. Take for example the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which lived 66-68 million years ago. It was one of the largest terrestrial predators on Earth; probably a   →  

The plastic-baggery

Several Western countries have now banned plastic bags. In fact they are not actually banned, but only in certain specific contexts. It is not allowed to sell them over the counter, with the intention of packing goods in them for   →  


Words and tone are increasingly important, so that we don’t hurt or say something that could be offensive. As if middle-aged women were running the world from a perpetual coffee run. I don’t know how we got here, but we   →  

The myth that immigration is profitable

In Sweden, immigration has been sold as a win-win situation for society, at least in the past, that migrants would get jobs and contribute to taxes and growth. They would also take care of our elderly, as well as contribute   →  

The 1970s are back – who will save us this time?

The turmoil of the 1970s is partly reflected in popular culture, with films such as The Warriors, set in a graffiti-painted slum, seeing violent clashes between different gangs. A result of urban depopulation, economic crises, business closures, ethnic divisions and   →  

Why everyone hates the middle class

The middle class is under constant attack from the left, but also from other radical groups. It’s a bit tacky to be middle class, a bit anxious and stupid, like the sheep in the pasture who don’t understand anything and   →  

The agony of the left

In the last two presidential elections, the American progressive movement has enjoyed enormous success. Or rather, they could have, if they played their cards better. And I’m thinking of Bernie Sanders’ strong campaigns, which managed to attract both left-wing voters   →