Garbage, waste and pollution

Sweden is at the forefront of waste management and recycling technologies. Most garbage is recycled or incinerated under controlled conditions in heating plants. It was a long time ago that we dumped our rubbish in so-called landfills, where the waste   →  

Turmoil or slow stagnation?

One question that many doomscrollers are preoccupied with is the possible decline or even civil war. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. The economic situation in the West, with de-industrialisation, mass migration, increased government spending, and   →  

Limited growth in an infinite world

There is a lot of talk about growth in economic discussions, often with the hope that it will last forever. But we know that this is not the case; sometimes there are hiccups in the machinery in the form of   →  

Nikki Haley – the alternative to Trump – and the new candidate of the wealthy

As Trump’s presidential campaign moves forward, despite all the allegations and legal tricks against him, the opposition is weakening. The Democratic Party has no real candidate, and few believe that Joe Biden will last another term, or even make it   →  

Prophecies for 2024

In a changing world, it is increasingly difficult to predict events and trends for the coming year. So, let’s look at the big picture. Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will join BRICS this year. A   →  

Does Biden talk to Putin?

There are many sources claiming that Biden and Putin are not talking to each other, or at least very rarely. And this is stranger than we first realise. Even during the Cold War nuclear threat, American presidents talked to Soviet   →  

Political ideology in the age of lies

Italy’s Prime Minister Meloni ran on a platform of reducing immigration and strengthening Italian family ties. But this was a lie, and it wasn’t many months before the mass influx of refugees continued. And the promised local initiatives are likely   →  

Work, activity, deed

Views on labour have changed over time, and so has its meaning. Even today, the concept of ‘work’ is somewhat diffuse, as it is a multifaceted word. On the one hand, we can engage in repetitive labour, which is necessary   →  

Swedes have been funding their own misery

Taxation is a hot topic in politics, with some calling for higher taxes and others for lower ones. It is seen as a matter of freedom on the one hand, and shared responsibility on the other. One thing that most   →