Prophecies for 2024

In a changing world, it is increasingly difficult to predict events and trends for the coming year. So, let’s look at the big picture. Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will join BRICS this year. A   →  

Does Biden talk to Putin?

There are many sources claiming that Biden and Putin are not talking to each other, or at least very rarely. And this is stranger than we first realise. Even during the Cold War nuclear threat, American presidents talked to Soviet   →  

Political ideology in the age of lies

Italy’s Prime Minister Meloni ran on a platform of reducing immigration and strengthening Italian family ties. But this was a lie, and it wasn’t many months before the mass influx of refugees continued. And the promised local initiatives are likely   →  

Work, activity, deed

Views on labour have changed over time, and so has its meaning. Even today, the concept of ‘work’ is somewhat diffuse, as it is a multifaceted word. On the one hand, we can engage in repetitive labour, which is necessary   →  

Swedes have been funding their own misery

Taxation is a hot topic in politics, with some calling for higher taxes and others for lower ones. It is seen as a matter of freedom on the one hand, and shared responsibility on the other. One thing that most   →  

Political earthquake in Argentina

Libertarian Javier Milei won the presidential election in Argentina by a wide margin. His policies are based on classic libertarian principles, including cutting the number of government agencies, stopping the central bank from manipulating fiscal policy, etc. It is about   →  

The trend-sensitive country in the north

Mines, iron ore and forests have long been part of Sweden’s basic industry. The iron could be refined into swords and cannons, and the forest into ships, buildings and furniture. But it was during the later stages of the industrial   →  

The world is waiting patiently for Biden to retire. And for the West to become the West again.

The geopolitical entanglements of the past year are beginning to unravel. It all started when the Russians grew tired of the Ukrainians not honouring the two Minsk agreements, which involved leaving the Russian minority alone and some autonomy. The Russians   →  

What if the US abandons Israel?

We know that the US, the world policeman, often abandons its war projects, from the Vietnam War to Afghanistan. Even countries like Korea have been partially abandoned, divided, with a frozen conflict. The behaviour has its reasons, probably often because   →