My book translated into English

The continuation of the adventure will be delayed for a while, instead I am launching an English translation of the existing book. The Swedish version has also been corrected and revised. And I thought I’d publish a few short lines   →  

Christian conservatism and activism in the wake of the migration crisis

Over the years, a counter-movement to globalism and mass migration has emerged. People who focus on traditional values, the local community, the family and the church. Often called the Christian right, they are despised by both the left and liberals.   →  

Trans, the new global mass movement

In recent years we have been haunted by eight global cyclical media mass movements. I refer to David Strömberg’s excellent thesis and article (in Swedish), with some additions and minor modifications. The mass movements are often cyclical, lasting 6-24 months,   →  

Europe as a third major power, with France as the leading nation

Germany is shutting down its last reactors and focusing on coal power instead. The shift is a result of pressure from environmentalists. One might question the logic of this, as nuclear energy is extremely clean compared to coal. There is   →  

Goodness by proxy

We Westerners have always wanted to help. Kindness is our strength, and our weakness. Like the Duchess of Sutherland, in that unusually accurate article article by Karl Marx; she was deeply troubled by the treatment of slaves on the other   →  

Is the high-tax society systemic?

Sweden has been a high-tax society since the 1970s. The sharp increase in taxes came as a response to industrial closures and the resulting unemployment. The high taxes became permanent, and finally put the nail in the coffin of the   →  

The potential public improvement and development benefits of migration

There is a lot of talk about population exchange, mass migration, not sending their best, etc. To put it bluntly, it is clearly not the rocket scientist who are arriving in the suburbs of the West, building mosques for oil   →  

A narrow window of opportunity – the agony of the American Empire, and the world that caught up with it

Others have said it better than me, but it bears repeating. The US had a narrow window of opportunity to shape the world at the turn of the millennium, before Russia reasserted itself and before China emerged on the global   →  

On food craze, consumerism, everyday stress and more

There is much to complain about in society, often including ideologies and systemic failures. It’s almost as if we want to elevate the problems so high that it seems unreasonable for a simple person to solve them. Maybe it feels   →