If integration does not work, is there any point in immigration?

The migration debate is largely about assimilation or integration, which means that immigrants adapt fully or partially to the new culture of the new country. They learn both language and customs. Integration is considered important. Both those in favour and   →  

Prejudice and statistics

We live in a world where prejudice is constantly being challenged and rejected, while statistics are elevated to a noble and important art form. Statistics are used, among other things, to predict elections and to make political and business decisions.   →  

Putin at odds with the West

The now-famous interview with Russian president Putin, published last week by Tucker Carlson, raises a number of questions for the average person. The first thing people think about is why Putin is being interviewed. Is it morally right? Should you   →  

The desire of the mediocre to hold back the skilled

There has always been an incentive for the mediocre to hold back the skilful. The driven and competent make the others look half-baked. And this is not appreciated, better to regulate and restrain those who want too much. And there   →  

Tyranny in progress

When our modern liberalism came into vogue, also known as social liberalism, it embraced equality, social safety nets and greater state responsibility. This happened in many countries (especially in Europe) after World War II and beyond. Liberalism became a kind   →  

Garbage, waste and pollution

Sweden is at the forefront of waste management and recycling technologies. Most garbage is recycled or incinerated under controlled conditions in heating plants. It was a long time ago that we dumped our rubbish in so-called landfills, where the waste   →  

Turmoil or slow stagnation?

One question that many doomscrollers are preoccupied with is the possible decline or even civil war. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. The economic situation in the West, with de-industrialisation, mass migration, increased government spending, and   →  

Limited growth in an infinite world

There is a lot of talk about growth in economic discussions, often with the hope that it will last forever. But we know that this is not the case; sometimes there are hiccups in the machinery in the form of   →  

Nikki Haley – the alternative to Trump – and the new candidate of the wealthy

As Trump’s presidential campaign moves forward, despite all the allegations and legal tricks against him, the opposition is weakening. The Democratic Party has no real candidate, and few believe that Joe Biden will last another term, or even make it   →