Will Trump continue the old American tradition of bombing third world countries?

Our great powers have many old traditions. Russia is known for throwing political challengers in jail, and the US is known for bombing the hell out of developing countries. The stripes rarely go out, woe betide   →  

The EU’s attached bottle caps

For a while now, we’ve noticed that caps are attached to all plastic bottles you buy these days. This has caused quite a bit of irritation — it’s easier to spill and harder to drink directly   →  

Western democracy – a large-scale renovation project?

Today’s view of democracy is not about government by the people in general, but about a specific form of democracy. It is based on the principle that all adult citizens have the right to vote, and   →  

Negotiations, agreements and trust

Trump is enjoying great success with his domestic policy, where in just a few months he has minimised the number of illegal immigrants at the borders, he is making major inroads into government waste, and he   →  

The unipolar fairy tale

The reason why the Ukrainian war uses very little aviation, apart from drones, is that both sides have strong air defences. And the air defence in this case is mostly Russian, and much of it goes   →  

A divided Europe

Europe has undergone several major periods of division, the first of which is not on the map, but roughly follows the Ottoman line, and involves the division of The Western and Eastern Roman Empire, which was   →  

Trade routes across the Bering Strait? Time to redraw the geopolitical map

We have long had lockdowns, where cultural and political barriers have created divisions between countries and their respective economies. Such a division existed between East and West, or between Germans and Slavs, British and French, Danes   →  

Update in progress

Swedish politicians have not taken note of what is happening on the other side of the Atlantic. That it is no longer appropriate to let illegal migrants and vagrants across the borders. And that those who   →  

Aid goes to propaganda and interference

We have all heard rumours that foreign aid goes to dictators and their luxurious lives, or to pointless infrastructure projects that are abandoned after a few years. And while we intuitively understood that there was some   →