Has today’s left become the auxiliaries of harcore conservatism?

Has today's left become the auxiliaries of harcore conservatism? 1There are many signs that we live in an increasingly conservative society. One example, as I mentioned earlier, is the requirement to be addressed correctly, misgendering is considered a major offence in some circles, if you call someone he, she or they. In the past, in our more conservative societies, titles were also important, epithets such as Mr, Mrs, Baroness, Doctor, etc. were used, and it was considered a social offence not to use the correct form of address. Same thing, but new concepts.

We also notice how important race and skin colour have become. Everyone is suddenly a racist – those who use the wrong term (the n-word, etc.), or say that Africans have no civilisation and are stupid, but also those who want to create equality by setting quotas for education and jobs. Quotas recognise that coloured people could not have made it on their own, and that they need help from white authorities. Whichever way you look at it, it’s wrong. But the conservative, self-righteous helpers remain at the top, passing out their handouts to society’s unfortunate children. Just like in the old days.

We also note all these loud demands for censorship, that everyone should not be allowed to write what they want on social media and in forums. Authorities are needed to correct and revise. The traditional media are pulling their weight, publishing curated news that doesn’t offend, and rubbing shoulders with the powers that be. It is more reminiscent of a petty principality than a modern society.

On top of that we have the demands to be accepted no matter what you look like, fat, trans, clown etc. As well as fluid gender roles where everything goes into each other, and soon we do not know who is who anymore. Note that the upper class, on the other hand, has retained its male and female expressions and roles, except for a few black sheep. The working class, on the other hand, they are to be de-gendered and mixed together beyond recognition, there are still just numbers and not people.

Taste police are everywhere, in art, architecture and literature. Through authorised media channels, they tell us what is acceptable and what we should think. And also what we should eat, drink and how we should dress. Even political taste is preordained. Anyone who does not obey is weird.

Then there is the climate crisis, reminiscent of the unfortunate prophecies of comets, plagues and droughts of the past. A way of frightening the peasants into keeping their heads down and knowing their place on earth. Alas, so many sacrifices had to be made to appease the climate gods. Of course, this also applies only to the great masses. The upper classes travel in golden carriages, or private jets.

Our money is constantly losing value, the savings in the bank are eaten up by inflation. And high taxes make it difficult to save and pass on to the next generation. But those who already have wealth invest in gold, land and businesses. They are not affected by inflation and taxes, the system is built for them, not for the little guy. Social mobility to the upper classes is almost non-existent.

Parliament and government appear to be working for the good of the people. Every four years there are elections. Regardless of which parties win that continue the same policies. And in the shadows work lobbyists, advisors and experts. They’re busy with brown envelopes under the tables, social events, kisses on the cheek and private smoky clubs. Any politician who doesn’t like the game can easily have an accident. There is only one way forward.