There is a common thread running from Woody Allen’s neurotic and slightly confused film character to the multi-diagnosed activist Greta Thunberg. These are people who are in therapy and have all sorts of mental conditions, and they are not ashamed →
There is a common thread running from Woody Allen’s neurotic and slightly confused film character to the multi-diagnosed activist Greta Thunberg. These are people who are in therapy and have all sorts of mental conditions, and they are not ashamed →
The EU is a bureaucratic regime, an elite project that does not serve the interests of the people, but rather irritates them with a mass of meaningless laws and regulations. Democracy is also a mess; anyone who explains how Ursula →
Several European countries have adopted stricter refugee policies, with guarded borders and departures from the EU’s general approach to migration. Recently, Meloni in Italy joined the more restrictive countries, along with Germany, the Netherlands and formerly Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, →
E-commerce is thriving like never before, with people ordering all sorts of things from various websites around the world. However, small cracks can be seen at the delivery stage. Sometimes I find that shipping costs more than I imagined and →
Today’s political craft is all about doing things wrong. Everyone knows how to make a society work with law, order, reasonable taxes, etc. But, no, you should do everything the other way around. It becomes like a pretend game, which →
Several European countries, including Germany and the Netherlands, have taken strong action against mass immigration. Little Cyprus has expelled 7000 illegal immigrants this year. And in the US, Trump is winning more and more supporters. We are seeing a shift →
When it was socially beneficial for people to be “norm critical and progressive etc”, society stopped being successful and capable of development. This contemporary mentality is very different from previous mindsets, which helped Sweden develop into one of the most →
Sweden, Germany and other northern European countries are known for being well-organized, where the people and their leaders demonstrate good planning skills and attention to detail. The proof of this is countless successful industrial and infrastructure projects. This ability has →
There has long been talk in academic circles about the possible culpability of the British in the Second World War, that the war became more brutal when British planes started terror-bombing cities in Germany. And this was at the beginning →