The impossible presidential campaign

When we look at the campaign of the losing presidential candidate Kamala Harris, a number of questions arise. The first question is why did the Democrats choose her? She was not a natural candidate, ill-informed with no political profile, and   →  

A new chapter for the US

Kamala Harris was something of an impossible candidate, not particularly popular even within the party, ill-informed and uncharismatic. Her predecessor Joe Biden was also an objectively bad candidate, suffering from age-related ailments already in the last election campaign, which only   →  

The European prison

Anyone who grew up in the 1970s will remember post-war Europe, where a third of Germany was behind the communist Iron Curtain, along with Poland, the Baltic States, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, partly Yugoslavia, Albania and, of course, Russia. But   →  

Ambivalence and influence

There is a lot of strange ambiguity in the world, a whole portfolio of opinions whose veracity is questionable; let’s start with some examples: Whatever we think of Donald Trump’s personality, he seems to be working for the good of   →  

Has today’s left become the auxiliaries of harcore conservatism?

There are many signs that we live in an increasingly conservative society. One example, which I mentioned in another article, is the requirement to be addressed correctly. So-called ‘misgendering’ is considered a major offence in some circles, if you call   →  

Actually, wouldn’t it be better if Kamala Harris won?

Actually, wouldn’t it be better if Kamala Harris won? So she can continue to dismantle the American economy, and keep the Russians and Chinese busy, while we Europeans reform and build an empire? Well, she is hardly a given candidate.   →  

The fall of the nation state

The classic nation state is about ‘one people and one country’. It often talks about linguistic and cultural unity, but there are also aspects of ethnicity and religion. For example, Sweden is the country of the Swedes, a people with   →  

The secret ideology

The dream of the kingdom of bliss, Utopia, the problem has haunted humanity for centuries. How do you build a society where everyone is caring and respects each other? How do you go about it? Perhaps there is only one   →  

The bicycle thief

It was the third time my bike was stolen, and a few days later it appeared online, for sale. Maybe it was even the same thief as last time? I was so tired of society developing in this direction, not   →