The new Europe

By now, most people have realized that the EU is a colossal failure. We sit and wait for the euro to crash, and for the EU to land in yet another economic crisis that is currently spreading. And this time   →  

Feminist capitalism

We can state the following, since women entered the labour market, wages have decreased. Of course, it’s all about supply and demand; the more people competing for jobs, the more you can squeeze wages, at least initially. In the past,   →  

In the dark wake of progressivism

In a society that previously celebrated progressivism and radicalism, it is now difficult to be radical. It hardly works in politics where there is some kind of left-wing conformism, the same in philosophy and social science, where new ideas are   →  

Winter is coming. Will Swedes become climate refugees in the next millennium?

Our current geological epoch is called the Holocene, and it began about 11,700 years ago. The Holocene is an interglacial, i.e. a warm period between the ice ages. The epoch has already reached its maximum extent, which occurred sometime during   →  

The legislator, the people and the nation

What constitutes a nation? Is it its people, culture, habits and customs or its legal framework – or all of it? On whose authority did the ancient legislators act, Lycurgus, Solon or the Fathers of the American Constitution? There was   →  

Hidden power, decay and upheaval

Am I the only one who feels that politics is a farce, with clowns like Trudeau, Macron, Zelinsky and the mummy Biden? And in the EU we have Ursula von der Leyen whose political career is lined with failures and   →  

The bubble that refuses to burst

Economic bubbles are often mentioned, especially in the housing market. And there’s certainly a fair reason, as prices have been going up for decades. Our housing spending is rising steadily, and there seems to be no end to the price   →  

Is the woke left an intolerant, humourless and puritanical Free Church movement?

It is often said that Christianity’s great contribution to the development of humanity was its view of man. Every human being was equal before God’s judgment, that we thus had the same essence and value before eternity. Good deeds in   →  

False economy

Now that electricity and petrol are becoming painfully expensive, there’s every reason to reassess your personal spending. The first thing you notice is all those little monthly payments that are automatically deducted, Netflix, games, apps, media subscriptions etc. When it   →