Heredity or environment – the cruel bet

We remember the 1983 film Trading places. It was about a bet, about whether heritage or environment was superior or subordinate. Could a black guy from the slums, given the right conditions, lead a long-established brokerage firm to success? And   →  

Lack of leadership threatens our future

I see few natural leaders in Sweden, either in politics or business. My definition of a leader includes both practical leadership qualities as well as charisma, eloquence and some education. Most people in a leadership position resemble quota-based class presidents.   →  

How will the battered Sweden be restored?

We see either deep complaints or childish excuses. Rarely bold proposals that could reverse the trend; let’s give it a try. Governmental subsidies and grants for refugees (non-citizens) are time-limited, they start to be phased out after 6-12 months. Migrants   →  

A reliable and safe society

Many people who have travelled in Asia, especially in Japan, come home and tell us how safe and orderly it is there. They are fascinated by clean streets and squares, high standards, well prepared food, low crime, trains that arrive   →  

When the plug goes out

We are in a delicate situation, where the state of the world can change monumentally from one day to the next, due to a number of factors that have been building up for a long time and accelerating. The first   →  

New borders in Europe if Ukraine falls?

Europe’s borders have been miraculously stable since World War II. With the threat of nuclear war and the complete eradication of our civilization, the appetite for war and conquest has not been very high. We have seen glimpses of a   →  

Great, greater, greatest – in the age of mega-corporations – where capitalism leads to socialism

According to many communists, the fate of the capitalist system is that the corporations keep growing, until there are only a handful of global giants left, and they control world politics together with the corrupt ruling class. According to the   →  

The great experiment

Since the year 2000, over 1.5 million migrants have arrived in Sweden. Most have arrived as refugees or family members. Although few of them meet the UN refugee criteria. They have been welcomed into the country, initially supported by taxpayers,   →  

What is a Swede?

We live in strange times. There are people who ask – what is a woman? And similar questions also arise about ethnicities and peoples. Whether this is just problematisation and relativisation to confuse and belittle, or whether these are real,   →