Dark waters

This category presents articles that are a little more intrusive, seeking, below ideological ground zero, with elements of heightened presence and occasional bursts of magical realism.

Countless times

Archibald Iratus lived in an austere turn-of-the-century building along Jungfrugatan in Östermalm, Stockholm. A curious peculiarity of the address was its diffuse location. I could wander around for a long time before I found the unnumbered gate, and once last   →  

The journey to India

The Orient, and India in particular, has long been regarded by us Westerners as a remote and mysterious place, steeped in ancient wisdom and millennia-old traditions. Indian culture stood unbroken for over 5,000 years. They had no Christian religious conversion   →  

The age of the machine is coming to an end

What is this modernity, which forever reshaped our society after the Great War of 1918, and guaranteed that architecture with a Corinthian order or flowering facade ornaments would never again be built, and where art, poetry and culture would no   →  

The plebeians and populism

More and more people are seeking to escape the distorted worldview of our times. An increasing number do not feel like they belong. Above all, it is people outside the system, those who are being parasitised by the nobility and   →  

The failed cathedral builders

When we begin to realise that our three most celebrated ideologies are all driven by various fears, and that all these fears should be taken into account, then we can move on to examine the respective weaknesses and failures of   →  

The impossible equation of our three fears

Our political currents are basically made up of three driving forces, and they are all important and worthy of consideration. I want to issue a warning in advance, this may be an article that punctures the occasional hardline political position,   →  

Progressivism or scientific advancement? In anticipation of a Habsburg space empire

When I started this blog, I wholeheartedly embraced the future promises of a new and better world. And it’s not that strange, many people share that view. Over time, however, the idea of ​​advancement and progressivism became increasingly stained and   →  

How to become a neo-leftist – your quick guide, we show you step by step!

You are a victim. Your background and origins shape your life. You may be underclass, immigrant, black, female, gay, transgender, sickly, edgy, etc. You are not responsible for your failures, it may be someone else’s fault, or the fault of   →  

For those of you who miss the Gods

Shäpetwuul (Shaepethwuuhl) is classified according to Prof. Elberich Mördinger as a higher multidimensional being, i.e. a deity. The eighth incarnation, which is the most well known was sifted in the 17th century, more on this later. After that, it is   →