The search for the fourth political direction
In short, the political confrontations of the 20th century were about three different ideologies, communism, fascism and liberalism. After the Second World War, fascism lost, and in 1991, communism was also wiped off the map after →
Entrepreneurs, despots and dark elves
I’ll start by mentioning Curtis Yarvin’s latest article, which was not very well received in the corner of the internet where he and many other right-wing intellectuals have sought refuge from the contemporary shitstorms. Yarvin draws →
Political recalibration
For a long time we have been stomping at a political crossroads with only two exits, right or left. Some people know where they want to go, they are aware of the two different visions of →
The right of abortion, a left or right position?
Abortion is constantly brought up as a talking point in debates, especially in election years. And often the right positions itself against, and the left for. In progressive European countries the issue is rather lukewarm, with →
System criticism or cultural criticism?
A week or so ago, Fox News star reporter Tucker Carlson interviewed famed right-wing philosopher Curtis Yarvin, aka Mencius Moldbug. It was both a long and interesting conversation, which probably could not have been broadcast on →
The autocratic entrepreneur
The libertarian philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe advocates a state in which a dictatorial inherited entrepreneur rules the country. Some may see the leader as a monarch, while others see him as a business leader, who may be →
The Count gives ice-cold advice
I rang the bell several times, but no one answered. Sometimes he would listen to his old 78s and it would take him a while to get to the door. Just as I was beginning to →
Right and wrong
Slavery is considered wrong and reprehensible, but there is a historical background that may shed some light on the matter. In ancient Greece, prisoners of war or criminals were often enslaved. The penalty was labour instead →
The age of the machine is coming to an end
What is this modernity, which forever reshaped our society after the Great War of 1918, and guaranteed that architecture with a Corinthian order or flowering facade ornaments would never again be built, and where art, poetry →