The naive youth cult
In a world where the only fixed value is the constant change, who should you ask for advice? Who should we talk to in order to understand and become more aware of the times? Ask the young people, is often →
In a world where the only fixed value is the constant change, who should you ask for advice? Who should we talk to in order to understand and become more aware of the times? Ask the young people, is often →
There is no point in pretending anymore. It’s becoming too obvious. We are part of the evil empire. An empire made up of 28 shining European states, ruled by an internally nominated aristocracy in the imperial capital of Brussels. It →
You are a victim. Your background and origins shape your life. You may be underclass, immigrant, black, female, gay, transgender, sickly, edgy, etc. You are not responsible for your failures, it may be someone else’s fault, or the fault of →
It is no longer possible to make fun of Africans, Asians, Jews, etc.; it is not considered civilised and belongs to the burlesque of the past. And that’s mostly a good thing, jokes involving race, skin colour and appearance can →
In most cultures there are various tendencies towards dystopia and criticism of civilization. It can be about the future looking dangerous and uncomfortable. Or that the best days are already past, the golden age is over, and culture is turning →