Conflicts, disasters

If Ukraine joins the EU, we are all at war with Russia

The latest news from the Ukrainian war is Kiev’s missile attack on Crimea, where over 100 bathers on a beach were injured by cluster bombs, of which about 6 people died. One might wonder about the strategic value of killing   →  

Russian naval bases near the US

The Russians are planning naval bases in Cuba and other Latin American countries, just a few miles from the US coast, and are currently conducting joint military exercises with nuclear-capable ships. At the same time, the Moscow Stock Exchange is   →  

Why didn’t the Swedes join NATO already after the Second World War?

Many were surprised by the Swedish rush to join NATO, which took place without a referendum or in-depth debate. Why now, one wonders? NATO was formed as a defence alliance against the Soviet Union during the Cold War, when Sweden   →  

Will a Russian military alliance emerge?

We remember the Warsaw Pact from the Cold War, where the Soviet Union formed a defence alliance with the Eastern states occupied during World War II, as well as other Red nations. Today, Russia is not formally part of a   →  

Open borders in the shadow of Western decline

I will continue to discuss the concept of open borders, which was briefly mentioned in a previous article. We note that both leftists and libertarians are in favour of the idea. And the concept is well established in the minds   →  

Israel and Palestine – arguments for and against

When strife flares up in the Middle East, the conservatives usually sides with Israel while the left rallies around Palestine. That is the order of things, and it is rare for anyone to think outside the box. But even conservatives   →  

Putin at odds with the West

The now-famous interview with Russian president Putin, published last week by Tucker Carlson, raises a number of questions for the average person. The first thing people think about is why Putin is being interviewed. Is it morally right? Should you   →  

Turmoil or slow stagnation?

One question that many doomscrollers are preoccupied with is the possible decline or even civil war. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. The economic situation in the West, with de-industrialisation, mass migration, increased government spending, and   →  

Does Biden talk to Putin?

There are many sources claiming that Biden and Putin are not talking to each other, or at least very rarely. And this is stranger than we first realise. Even during the Cold War nuclear threat, American presidents talked to Soviet   →