Make Europe great again

Make Europe great again 1The EU is a bureaucratic regime, an elite project that does not serve the interests of the people, but rather irritates them with a mass of meaningless laws and regulations. Democracy is also a mess; anyone who explains how Ursula von der Leyen was elected EU president will have to answer a series of difficult questions. Let’s face it, this is hardly a proper presidential election in which the people participate. And what’s worse, the people don’t even seem to care anymore. They have no idea how the Brussels authorities are appointed, or what their names are.

Many people want to leave the EU, but is that the right way to go now? The whole business is falling apart anyway, countries are doing what they want now, with Germany, Holland and Italy closing their borders and ignoring the Schengen agreement, and the countries of central and southern Europe have long gone their own way. And the UK has already left, but the bureaucrats in Brussels carry on as if nothing has happened.

Maybe we should calm down a bit, wait for the right time, be patient, sooner or later the Hungarians and like-minded people will take over the Brussels shitshow and turn it into a real empire.

Probably this is what we Europeans are really waiting for. And we are worth it. We invented civilisation and the world as it is today. We deserve to become a true superpower with global dominance. When Putin turned to us and proposed a free trade zone from Lisbon to Vladivostok, we should have listened better.

Think Western European engineering combined with Russian oil and raw materials in abundance. The day Western and Eastern Europe shake hands, that day we will be unbeatable. But we have been taught not to think that way, that Ursula is democratic but Putin is not, that Russians are orcs and Europeans are elves. That we have to fight the great enemy in the east, with all the means at our disposal.

Well, an alliance with Moscow is probably hard to digest for the vast majority. I am aware of that, and I apologise if I stir up bad blood. A true Western European empire would do just fine. For a start.