Total dissonance

Total dissonance 1What an extreme time of conflict we are in; everyone realises what is wrong, some want to turn the ship around, but the captain insists on continuing into the storm, just because… Well, who knows?

Maybe it’s cognitive dissonance, when the captain refuses to accept the cause of the problem, which should be very clear by now. It’s funny how far the brain can go to save one’s ego, and avoid admitting that one was wrong.

In addition, I think some people have bet their money that there will be a mutiny. Of course, a revolution can lead to a redistribution of resources, and there is always money to be made if you are on the winning side. Perhaps some of the precious ship’s cargo can be salvaged?

Others want to calm the situation down. They see how things have gone wrong, but don’t want to risk open conflict because they have children, families and responsibilities. A life to protect and defend.

The best thing would be to jointly lead the captain away, gently but firmly, and let others take over.