The age of delusion and madness

The age of delusion and madness 1When it was socially beneficial for people to be “norm critical and progressive etc”, society stopped being successful and capable of development.

This contemporary mentality is very different from previous mindsets, which helped Sweden develop into one of the most successful countries in the world. Today, it is almost incomprehensible that Swedes contributed to the discovery of 19 elements in the periodic table, built global corporations, had one of the world’s largest air forces with home-built fighter jets, and constructed the world’s most efficient and affordable electricity infrastructure.

I believe that today’s progressivism is incompatible with sensible civilization building. It is almost like social sabotage or a brain virus. On the one hand, everything is to be questioned, and on the other hand, various differences and deviations are to be highlighted and normalized, in an almost pathological way. They have also made themselves known for repeating their struggle, like a religious mantra, it is not enough that we won equality 30, 50 or 100 years ago; the struggle continues as if nothing has happened, and the demands are repeated again and again.

Such minds are extremely susceptible to global trends that can spread like prairie fires, it can be about open borders, metoo, BLM, transgender, the climate, etc.

These ideas travel quickly in the receptive environments, and have a direct impact both online but also in the real world. For example, BLM activists wanted to de-fund the police, which in practice means dismantling the police force. It sounds mindless, but many large companies donated millions to BLM’s activities.

Once the madness and the furor have died down, it is often difficult to explain all the strange things that happened. Like a feverish rush and a nightmare world that took over, neutralizing all sense and reason.

And what about the climate hysteria that calls for a total transformation of energy systems and industrial society, despite the fact that few of their predictions have come true, the ideas are hypothetical and based on incomplete climate simulation models?

Does anyone remember the men who dressed up as women, and would read fairy tales in kindergarten? And minors being allowed to decide for themselves about gender reassignment surgery?

Or when women would tell about all the wrongs committed by male acquaintances, highlighting things that happened 15-20 years ago, and then were vindicated in court, because women had no reason to lie?

Why not let millions of refugees into countries that were not at all prepared, either structurally or culturally, because open borders were the thing?

And how did the once popular real estate tycoon Donald Trump become so hated that he was depicted bloodied and beheaded in the media, that people compared him to Hitler, and finally he was the target of an assassination attempt?

This all sounds crazy but is true. I guess you just have to wait for it to pass. I don’t think you can do anything useful while this mentality is going on (unless you are a genius with extreme integrity and a lot of money) except fight it, which also takes time away from other things.

Of course, it’s unpleasant for those who aren’t affected to see the spectacle in front of them. People come across as crazy and delusional. Whether they are tearing down statues, throwing paint on priceless artwork, blocking the main road into the capital, or donating millions to people who want to dismantle law and order.

Perhaps the blame lies with our forgetful and forgiving nature?

Women who falsely accuse men of abuse should of course be punished with imprisonment. So should all kinds of social sabotage, including sabotage of police activities. Letting in illegal migrants is also illegal, and should of course also be punishable. Exaggerating diseases, isolating people and providing substandard medicines should nevertheless lead to prosecution. Stealing billions from the tax payers and giving them to a dictator should also have consequences.

Regardless of whether people are fired up, swearing and spitting.