The Conservative Light Dilemma: Anxiety and Conformity
Conservative Light has become the dominant opposition to the strong socialist forces in the country. It is a bourgeois movement that claims to stand against the expanding state and its progressive social experiments. Simply put, it is a counterforce readily →
Syria and the reluctant dictator
It was not long ago that Syria’s leader, Bashar al-Assad, was a favourite in the West, and perhaps even more so his wife, Asma, who was interviewed in newspapers and held up as the “rose of the desert”. Damascus was →
Calm between the storms
A sense of calm – and perhaps even hope – is spreading across the world following Donald Trump’s election victory. Trump and his party have seized everything that matters: the Senate, the House of Representatives and even the absolute number →
The impossible presidential campaign
When we look at the campaign of the losing presidential candidate Kamala Harris, a number of questions arise. The first question is why did the Democrats choose her? She was not a natural candidate, ill-informed with no political profile, and →
A new chapter for the US
Kamala Harris was something of an impossible candidate, not particularly popular even within the party, ill-informed and uncharismatic. Her predecessor Joe Biden was also an objectively bad candidate, suffering from age-related ailments already in the last election campaign, which only →
Actually, wouldn’t it be better if Kamala Harris won?
Actually, wouldn’t it be better if Kamala Harris won? So she can continue to dismantle the American economy, and keep the Russians and Chinese busy, while we Europeans reform and build an empire? Well, she is hardly a given candidate. →
Make Europe great again
The EU is a bureaucratic regime, an elite project that does not serve the interests of the people, but rather irritates them with a mass of meaningless laws and regulations. Democracy is also a mess; anyone who explains how Ursula →
What does the Sweden Democrat Party want?
Several European countries have adopted stricter refugee policies, with guarded borders and departures from the EU’s general approach to migration. Recently, Meloni in Italy joined the more restrictive countries, along with Germany, the Netherlands and formerly Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, →
A turnaround in migration policy?
Several European countries, including Germany and the Netherlands, have taken strong action against mass immigration. Little Cyprus has expelled 7000 illegal immigrants this year. And in the US, Trump is winning more and more supporters. We are seeing a shift →