The impossible equation of our three fears
Our political currents are basically made up of three driving forces, and they are all important and worthy of consideration. I want to issue a warning in advance, this may be an article that punctures the occasional hardline political position, →
Progressivism or scientific advancement? In anticipation of a Habsburg space empire
When I started this blog, I wholeheartedly embraced the future promises of a new and better world. And it’s not that strange, many people share that view. Over time, however, the idea of advancement and progressivism became increasingly stained and →
Anti-consumerism, class contempt and criticism of civilization
People buy too much junk. The large shopping malls are increasingly similar to shrines dedicated to the deities of waste and excess. Large companies mass produce unnecessary plastic gadgets that end up in the seas. Consumption has become a culture →
The post-meritocratic society
We used to refer to the West as the free world, as opposed to the Soviet Union, the Eastern Bloc, China etc. And there was a period around 1945-2000 when many people in the West achieved an exceptionally high level →
The tone and the glance
Fighting for justice is the finest thing there is. Already in the school books we raise people like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Oskar Schindler and Mother Theresa. Leonidas, Henry VIII, and Patton are not as hot. They are mostly →
Special treatment in the name of justice
Code of conduct and rights manifestos can spoil the best of organizations, just look at Linux where it was decided to include more vulnerable groups, and soon MAGA caps and images of Trump-Tower were banned , and most of their →
Let the gloomy clouds disperse
When I was a child, the future was full of hope, we were dreaming about travelling with hovering vessels between skyscrapers. And we believed that man would soon be exploring the stars. Nuclear power was risky, but it gave us →
The eternal dilemma of how to govern society
Plato devoted a lot of time to the classic dilemma regarding how to govern society. Inspired by the Spartans, he felt that the country should be ruled by a wise single ruler. The problem itself was the question of how →
The postmodern myth of creation
The creation mythology of Western civilization include by necessity the Greeks and the Romans. Although many Europeans have no direct relationship with these early Mediterranean peoples, we highlight their cultural deeds. They are the dawn of our continent. We have →