The secret ideology

The secret ideology 1The dream of the kingdom of bliss, Utopia, the problem has haunted humanity for centuries. How do you build a society where everyone is caring and respects each other? How do you go about it? Perhaps there is only one way to get there.

Oppose nationalism

First of all, you have to erase all the old historical injustices and the sense of belonging to a particular people or tribe. Nationalism is at the root of much of the evil in the world.

This goal can be achieved through a superficial and simplistic teaching of history in schools. Teaching must therefore be guided by a centralised curriculum, and it is good if the school system is state-owned or state-funded, as this makes it easier to control.

Encouraging different ethnicities to have children together also helps to overcome old historical conflicts. The mixed children will therefore be free of both old traditions and ethnicity, a new people will be created and humanity can start afresh from a blank page.

For mixing to happen, new people need to be moved to new countries and, consequently, supported for a sufficiently long time so that they choose to settle and stay. For this, infrastructure, livelihoods and migration routes across countries and continents should be created.

Get control of religion

Nor should the old religions be encouraged, as they too often become an obstacle and contribute to old-fashioned thinking and an increased interest in history and one’s own people. At the same time, it is not desirable to completely eradicate religions, as they have a cohesive effect, but it is better to infiltrate and control them, as with schools. Religion should spread the message of justice and tone down more complicated ideas.


Gender differences should be blurred. Both men and women should work and pay taxes so that they feel part of society. If either gender finds it more difficult to do certain types of work, the thresholds should be lowered, regardless of whether the work itself suffers. Work is first and foremost an occupation. Differences in effort and skill should be downplayed; it is the overall effort of the group that counts, not that of the individual.

We should encourage equality and fairness in all areas of life, be it gender, ethnicity, orientation, body positivism, etc. This kind of activism is edifying and fosters good, upright citizens. It does not really matter if we have already achieved justice in a specific area, the struggle can be repeated again and again, the symbolic value is important and creates unity.

A forgiving attitude towards crime

Attitudes towards crime and punishment should also change. In a good and safe society, people should be given repeated chances in life. People can have bad luck due to external circumstances. Prison sentences should be changed to education or treatment, with reintegration into society, and rehabilitation time should be as short as possible.

Rationalised healthcare

Health care should be rationalised and industrialised. Diseases and conditions that threaten society should be given first priority, with the specific problems of the individual coming second. When resources are not available, queues are created and people have to wait their turn. If they are lulled into believing that the quality of care is very high, they will wait without complaining, and feel privileged when it is their turn.

Positive media

The media should report edifying and positive news. Crime reporting should be toned down and the ethnicity of perpetrators protected. Political news should be simplified and have a positive tone, even if there are negative effects. Light-hearted entertainment is also important and the majority of broadcasts should concentrate on this, as well as highlighting glossy celebrities, which can provide distraction and a gentle escape from reality.

If people resist media reporting and spread messages that go against society’s values, they should be socially ostracised, given various discrediting epithets and finally, if that doesn’t help, re-educated or put into care. Crimes against society are worse than crimes against citizens.

Accelerate democracy

Society is governed according to democratic values; general elections are held at regular intervals. The main task of politics is to implement the prevailing agenda. Through education, privileges, bribes and, in the worst cases, threats, individual politicians are helped in the right direction. Sometimes there are bumps along the way, but the goal is already set in advance, otherwise we would never be able to create the kingdom of happiness. Our ideology is a superset ideology.


Social inequalities between rich and poor should be eradicated. Wages should be harmonised via trade unions etc. so that most people earn roughly the same. High taxes and inflation make it difficult to save and build up capital, and pass it on to the next generation. People should be encouraged to rent their home instead of owning it, as well as to rent/lease a car and preferably use public transport. They should leave as little trace behind as possible.

That way, everyone will be equal.

Well, not everyone, there will of course be an upper class that rules society. And they will be educated differently from the people, they will go to elite schools and learn what the world is really like. They will be given special conditions, to be able to become wise leaders and maintain the continued existence of the happy society.