The exclusion of citizens from the democratic system

The exclusion of citizens from the democratic system 1There is a very good article by Dan Ahlmark (in Swedish), which describes how our politicians often sneak through laws because they know that citizens would not like them wholeheartedly. Recent examples are the Swedish accession to NATO and also the Gender Reassignment Act that the Moderate party implemented, without even their own members liking it.

In addition, our constitution has been adjusted in such a way that politicians can make decisions as easily as possible, without obstacles and hassles along the way. Things like a bicameral parliament and a constitutional court no longer seem to fit in, even though they used to be considered democratic foundations.

What is really happening?

Democracy has been slowly chiselled down to fit a one-party system, where laws can be passed quickly and without thought. Whoever is in power is basically an autocrat for 4 years. And politicians are aware of what they are doing; increasingly rarely are referendums called on important choices, such as NATO membership, or major issues presented in the run-up to elections, with different parties arguing in favour or against, and citizens can decide the future of the country through the ballot box.

Our politicians seem to no longer work for the people. And that’s a fundamental problem, because in a democratic system, all power should come from the people. And apparently a similar simultaneous development is taking place in several other Western countries, such as Germany, the UK, the US and others.

The exclusion of the people from democratic systems is quite clear. But all too often, grassroots politicians and local representatives are also excluded, and it becomes the party boards that run the country. And when you look at the difference between the actual policies of the different party leaderships, you often get a very uniform impression. The latest example is the continued high level of immigration despite the fact that the Sweden Democrats act as the government’s support party. When the Green Party was the supporting party, they got a lot of their policies through, despite being a smaller party than the SD. Isn’t that strange?

Politics takes its course regardless of what the people and local politicians think. In this situation, it is of course tempting to talk about conspiracies, that there are some over the heads of our politicians, those who really rule, globalists and dark forces. How else to explain that our elected representatives go against their own countries, its people and interests? Year after year, no matter who we elect. There simply must be a higher sphere of power with a hidden agenda. It becomes the only explanation that makes sense. And it is a sad development, that citizens should even suspect that such things are going on.