Trump – careless and a spy, or just a tactical move by his opponents?

Images of President Donald Trump storing secret papers in a bathroom at his Florida residence are spreading across the internet. The media is reporting a ‘historic indictment’, but few are analysing what it is really about. An American president has   →  

Mankind – oversocialised, unfree and trapped in the cage of industrial society?

Theodore Kaczynski, the UNA bomber, passed away recently. He is partly remembered for his philosophical writings, in which he describes humanity as over-socialised, unfree and trapped in the intricate web of industrial society. He himself moved to the wilderness and   →  

Whistleblower tells of crashed alien crafts

David Charles Grusch, an Afghan war veteran and intelligence officer reveals that US authorities have encountered alien craft and similar objects, and have a number in their custody. He doesn’t say much more than that, there is no hard evidence   →  

Is local self-government a threat to nations and empires?

Are self-governing regions and municipalities a threat to the idea of nation and empire building? Of course, this objection can be made. The US is an empire, as are the EU and China, states made up of many different provinces   →  

Building a functioning nation out of a multicultural society of chaos

Historically, of course, the idea of governing a diverse society with many different ethnicities is nothing new. Romans, Greeks, Ottomans and Habsburgs have tried, and indeed succeeded, in keeping it stable for hundreds of years. It is a kind of   →  

Bring in politicians from more suitable countries to govern Sweden

During the week, we were made aware of foreign gangs that have been wreaking havoc at Swedish amusement parks and funfairs; they spit, push their way through queues and threaten little girls. Without the security staff reacting significantly. Probably nothing   →  

Twilight over Ukraine – thoughts on the origins of the conflict and where the war is going

Many of us wonder why the war is dragging on, both those who side with Ukraine and Russia. We see a protracted conflict with no major territorial gains, between partially equal armies, where the Russians have the demographic and economic   →  

Swedish hubris – the rise and fall of the record-setting country

Many Swedes have never been attracted to a high-tax society or multiculturalism. They feel cheated and trampled on. And more and more people have changed their minds along the way, moving from being radical to more conservative in their view   →  

The Constitution – an increasingly weak defender of citizens and their rights

When you ask people about the most important elements of democracy, most of them mention the parliament. This is where laws are made, or at least approved, and where political debates are held. Parliament comes from the French parlez, to   →