What does the Sweden Democrat Party want?

What does the Sweden Democrat Party want? 1
Sweden Democrat party chairman Jimmie Åkesson and his then fiancée Louise Erixon in national costumes on their way to the opening of the National Assembly in 2011. Photo from Wikipedia.

Several European countries have adopted stricter refugee policies, with guarded borders and departures from the EU’s general approach to migration. Recently, Meloni in Italy joined the more restrictive countries, along with Germany, the Netherlands and formerly Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, the Baltics, Portugal and others. I’ve discussed this before, it’s probably a case of reality slowly creeping in, the situation has become unsustainable in some cases, and eventually of course politicians have to show leadership and do something about it.

So what is happening in Sweden?

We have a large party critical of migration in the Riksdag, which is now acting as a swing vote for the so-called centre-right government. The Sweden Democrats were formed at the end of the 1980s, when shaved heads and black leather boots were at fashion. And they have never managed to get rid of their past, because they are constantly reminded of their origins and constantly mocked. And it doesn’t matter that they want to adapt, that they are now a liberal centre party, with a hard party whip for those who express dissenting views. The left will constantly remind them of their authoritarian past.

The question is why SD is even trying to adapt? Why all this washing, when they will always be suspected and vilified, no matter how they behave?

Perhaps they have even scrubbed away the essence of their being? How else can one explain that immigration to Sweden continues as before, despite the fact that we have a (once) nationalist party supporting a centre-right government?

Winds critical of migration are blowing in Europe. Many people seem to have had enough of open borders, culture clashes and increased crime. People are now talking openly about the problems caused by migration. As we should have done from the start. Everyone feels where the winds are blowing. Everyone except the SD.

If it ever happens, it will be the Social Democrats who finally close the borders. They are a party of power and have a mandate to do what they want. The right in Sweden are completely useless, and they never succeed with anything. The Social Democrats, on the other hand, have trade unions, educational associations, interest organisations, media, lottery operations, youth movements, etc. They will point to the wage dumping due to immigration, the drain on welfare, and the crime that threatens the construction of the welfare state. Then they close the borders, and send home those who do not work. And no one will shout racist or brown shirts. It is what it is.