
Christian conservatism and activism in the wake of the migration crisis

Over the years, a counter-movement to globalism and mass migration has emerged. People who focus on traditional values, the local community, the family and the church. Often called the Christian right, they are despised by both the left and liberals.   →  

Goodness by proxy

We Westerners have always wanted to help. Kindness is our strength, and our weakness. Like the Duchess of Sutherland, in that unusually accurate article article by Karl Marx; she was deeply troubled by the treatment of slaves on the other   →  

For those of you who miss the Gods

Shäpetwuul (Shaepethwuuhl) is classified according to Prof. Elberich Mördinger as a higher multidimensional being, i.e. a deity. The eighth incarnation, which is the most well known was sifted in the 17th century, more on this later. After that, it is   →