If Ukraine joins the EU, we are all at war with Russia

The latest news from the Ukrainian war is Kiev’s missile attack on Crimea, where over 100 bathers on a beach were injured by cluster bombs, of which about 6 people died. One might wonder about the strategic value of killing   →  

For king and country

When describing the kingdoms of the past and how they functioned, it is often said that the people were deceived. They were led to believe that the king was crowned by the clergy on behalf of God. It would look   →  

10 great films that influenced our society and culture.

10 films (+3 bonus) from different decades that have had a significant cultural impact, with brief comments. The Wizard of Oz (1939) There is no magic. The Wizard is a little fat man pulling levers behind a curtain (note that   →  

People’s total disinterest in freedom and privacy issues, especially on the internet

Apart from a few oddballs, few people are upset by the European Commissions plans to control and monitor our online activities. And since most things are now connected online, the regulations affect the bulk of our communications – emails, chats,   →  

Even more surveillance and control

The controversial European Chat Control 2 law was passed quickly and quietly, without anyone noticing – just a handful of internet activists and dissidents. The law allows machine intelligence (AI) to automatically read through citizens’ electronic messages, pictures, etc. and   →  

Russian naval bases near the US

The Russians are planning naval bases in Cuba and other Latin American countries, just a few miles from the US coast, and are currently conducting joint military exercises with nuclear-capable ships. At the same time, the Moscow Stock Exchange is   →  

The non-Christian right

It has become something of a trend for people with right-wing or conservative views to cultivate a Christian identity, sometimes even converting to Catholicism or Orthodoxy. Perhaps it is a search for roots, a fixed point of reference, or both?   →  

Striving for a normal society is right-wing extremism

Striving for a normal society has become right-wing extremist. Anyone who wants border controls, sustainable immigration, low taxes, and advocates local culture is now considered a far-right figure. And that is of course crazy and wrong. It’s the other way   →  

Progress for the Swedish left in the European Parliament

Much to the delight of the establishment, the Swedish right wing retreated in the European elections. There is even talk of a historic failure for the Sweden Democrats. Instead, the Social Democrats advanced, as did the Moderates and the Green   →