Even more surveillance and control

The controversial European Chat Control 2 law was passed quickly and quietly, without anyone noticing – just a handful of internet activists and dissidents. The law allows machine intelligence (AI) to automatically read through citizens’ electronic messages, pictures, etc. and   →  

Russian naval bases near the US

The Russians are planning naval bases in Cuba and other Latin American countries, just a few miles from the US coast, and are currently conducting joint military exercises with nuclear-capable ships. At the same time, the Moscow Stock Exchange is   →  

The non-Christian right

It has become something of a trend for people with right-wing or conservative views to cultivate a Christian identity, sometimes even converting to Catholicism or Orthodoxy. Perhaps it is a search for roots, a fixed point of reference, or both?   →  

Striving for a normal society is right-wing extremism

Striving for a normal society has become right-wing extremist. Anyone who wants border controls, sustainable immigration, low taxes, and advocates local culture is now considered a far-right figure. And that is of course crazy and wrong. It’s the other way   →  

Progress for the Swedish left in the European Parliament

Much to the delight of the establishment, the Swedish right wing retreated in the European elections. There is even talk of a historic failure for the Sweden Democrats. Instead, the Social Democrats advanced, as did the Moderates and the Green   →  

They are all Russian bastards

Western Europeans have long harboured a kind of suspicion and sometimes disgust for everything east of Berlin. The endless steppes and the land of the mad horse people, uncivilised, inhospitable, debauched and remote. For various reasons we have repeatedly attacked   →  

The impossible presidential election

Joe Biden has problems, his dementia is starting to become more apparent, he rambles and has difficulty speaking coherently, and there are rumours that he has pooped his pants in public. The idea that he can hang on and manage   →  

Why didn’t the Swedes join NATO already after the Second World War?

Many were surprised by the Swedish rush to join NATO, which took place without a referendum or in-depth debate. Why now, one wonders? NATO was formed as a defence alliance against the Soviet Union during the Cold War, when Sweden   →  

Full banana republic

What if the US has always been a banana republic? The country’s industrial success at the turn of the last century was perhaps due to huge untapped raw material resources in the form of oil, metals, forests, etc. Low hanging   →