Countries where white women can travel safely

Countries where white women can travel safely 1I remember a female friend travelling around India a few years ago, she told me about men following her, staring at her and even pleasuring themselves standing some distance away. She and her female travelling companion were a bit shocked, and these incidents were the first things they described when they came back, and then we heard the stories of the Taj Mahal and all the other amazing places.

How many places in the world can white women travel to safely, without discomfort? India is considered by many to be quite civilised nowadays, but apparently not if you travel outside the upper middle class areas.

Similar things happen when women travel in the Middle East and Africa. Southeast Asia may be different, but there they are looked down upon and treated very differently from native women. Large parts of South America are also unsafe, due to crime and insecurity for Europeans, especially women.

What’s left is Europe, North America, Australia and a few countries in Asia and South America. And even in major European cities, the situation can be difficult because of immigrants from these cultures who will not leave white European women alone. The same is true in the big cities of North America.

There is something special about European culture, which has promoted courtesy towards women and respectful behaviour. There is a kind of chivalry and gentlemanliness towards the fairer sex. I am not saying that all Western men have been kind to women, no, but the general attitude towards women is very different from the rest of the world, where women have mostly been a commodity and a childbearing object.

Also, it was white Europeans that fought slavery around the world, outlawed cannibalism in the colonies, as well as rape, child brides and human sacrifice. We have forgotten, but many of these barbaric things still happen in parts of the world.

We built schools, hospitals, introduced post offices, telegraphs, as well as drainage, running water, electricity, roads and much more. But we get the most flak for what we did. That we exploited the natives, stole their gold, iron ore, oil and uranium, as if they would have had any use for it, when they were initially at Stone Age level in Africa, for example. The fact that we built their countries infrastructure from scratch apparently did not count. It was not a worthy counter-gift.

Maybe we should have left them alone? And developed our own culture without interfering in their lives. Let them live in their part of the world, like in a nature reserve, separate from us, without modern medicines and other things. And let them engage in cannibalism and human sacrifice, in their own territories, but not elsewhere.